Why Edit a WebSeries? Why Sofa Queens

Both are truly such good questions. This blog is going to focus on WHY I decided to join Kelly and Ellen on this fantastical journey


After I had dinner in the summer with Kelly, she sent me all eight scripts. I read them through a couple of times, really trying to understand the characters, motivations and comedy beats. The more I read it, the more I felt like these people were very real.

Episode 01 Response…

After releasing the first episode online, I had a lot of friends come up to me and say that they laughed SO HARD at the episode about a woman who has trouble going to the bathroom while using a Diva Cup… because this actually happens!

It feels good to be a part of a team that is putting stories online that women can connect to. I think Kelly and Ellen did an excellent job of capturing the theatrical side of the episode and my role was to hit on the beats and timing correctly.

Moreover, I think it is fascinating that a lot of the content is only for women. It’s not to say men shouldn’t watch it - in fact, MEN SHOULD BE WATCHING IT. Because what you are seeing is content that appeals to 52% of the marketplace that often gets left out of the narrative.

Episode 02 is a whole other beast.

Mini Spoiler…

While I want to make it VERY clear, we aren’t advocating for doing this in real life, there is something so wholesome about Pat’s unwavering support for her friend. And instead of being aggressive or petty, she uses her words to educate and change perceptions about what is okay and what is not okay.

I’ve had a real-life experience where a friend at the time did the complete opposite to me - instead of standing up for what was right, she blamed and shamed and verbally said she would not do anything because she didn’t want to upset her own relationships.

Not cool friend of the past.

Reading this script and bringing it to life touched me personally because I felt like I was able to reimagine what this experience could have been like with a little help from a friend…

And… a small part of me hopes that all women have a roommate/friend/colleague/ride or die who looks out for them the way Lianne and Pat (and of course Olly) do for each other.

Until EPISODE 03…

Stay safe, wash your hands, and practice extra precaution when exiting your home.